Developmental Editing

Developmental editing is exactly what it sounds like: I will help you to develop your project from the initial concept or draft. We’ll brainstorm, pin down your vision, define your target audience, and map out the organization, structure, and features of your project. At this stage, I may also suggest that you do further research or write/rewrite text.


Substantive Editing

Substantive editing is valuable once you are fairly happy with a complete or semi-complete draft of your text. At this stage, I will help you to improve readability, clarity, and/or accuracy of the text at a “macro” level. This may involve rewriting or deleting sections, or writing new material. Specifically for fiction writers, I will help you to identify and resolve any inconsistencies in plot, character behavior/speech, chronology, and setting.


Copy Editing (a.k.a. Line Editing)

Copy editing is most useful once you’re happy with the “big picture” aspects of your text, because this type of editing focuses on the text at the sentence (or “line”) level. Here I will look at the style and syntax of your project on a sentence-by-sentence basis and make wording suggestions to improve readability, clarity, and/or accuracy. If applicable, I can ensure that your text conforms to a certain style or format, including APA, Chicago, and MLA. I can also cross-check elements such as captions, tables, or footnotes against the text and/or index. I will point out any spelling, capitalization, or grammar mistakes I find, but this “error cleaning” will not be exhaustive. (That’s when proofreading comes in!)



Proofreading is the final stage in the editorial process. I consider it the “cleaning” stage, because at this point, the focus is no longer on ideas or content, but instead on “correct-ness.” I can proofread your text before or after it has been put through page setting (i.e., “design”), and I will scrutinize the text for errors in spelling, capitalization, or grammar, as well as any formatting issues.


Research Article Fiction Novel
Book/Book Chapter NonFiction Book/Book Chapter
Grant Proposal Memoir
Thesis/Dissertation White Paper
College Application Essay Website Copy



Copy writing

Let’s say you have a brochure/newsletter/email/pamphlet/website to create, and you know approximately what information it needs to convey, but you don’t have the time (or skill, or interest) to craft pretty prose. That’s when you hire me!


If you have an idea for a compelling narrative, but you lack the time or the skills to tell the tale, let’s talk. I have ghostwritten a variety of pieces, from corporate blogs to full-length novels, and every one has been an exciting challenge.