You have questions? I have answers!

(And if you don’t see your question here, email me!)

What services do you offer?

I offer four distinct editing services: developmental editing, substantive editing, copy editing, and proofreading. I also offer copy writing and ghostwriting services. Decide which you’re looking for by reading more about them here.


What do you charge?

No two projects are the same, so I encourage you to contact me in order to discuss your project and the corresponding costs. But don’t worry; you’ll never be blindsided! I always provide a project proposal so you can see what’s ahead before we begin working together in earnest.

(And if you still need a ballpark? My rates are fairly in line with industry rates posted by the Editorial Freelance Association.)


What is a project proposal?

This is a written summary I’ll create for you once I have all the details of your project in hand. It includes everything you need to know before deciding whether you want to use my services, including:

  • Summary of the project: what services I offer, what I will ultimately deliver to you, and when it will all be completed
  • Cost estimate (including a breakdown of the tasks associated with each cost)
  • Payment schedule


How does payment work?

I will generate an invoice and deliver it to you electronically (or by mail, if you prefer) for each required payment. Invoices will be issued and must be remitted in USD ($).

I accept personal checks, business checks, PayPal, and Venmo. We will determine the method of payment when we work out the contract.

As for when you pay me:

New Clients: A % of the estimated total is due upon signing the contract. For long projects, ~50% will be due at a given benchmark (or as negotiated), and for all projects, the outstanding balance is due when the project is complete.

Established Clients: Benchmark payments are due as negotiated.

Note: Developmental editing projects will adhere to a different payment schedule due to the nature of the work. There will be an upfront payment, followed by “hours accrued” benchmarks, rather than deliverables-based benchmarks.